【Beyond hardships.Beyond border.】 | 東進ハイスクール 津田沼校 大学受験の予備校・塾|千葉県

東進ハイスクール 津田沼校 » ブログ » 【Beyond hardships.Beyond border.】


2019年 7月 9日 【Beyond hardships.Beyond border.】

Bonjour tout le monde!!

(Hello everyone!!)

Comment te sens-tu aujourd’hui? Bons?…

(How are you now?Good?)

  I’m so sorry.


I cannot write my web log in French any more because of my lack of study.

When I started to write this, I determined strongly to complete all in French and I wondered it was easy for me because I took French class twice a week in my univ. ,though I still just began the study.However, as you know,I could write only greetings in French.You can laugh at a man(Yes, It’s me.) who is overconfident without reasonable evidence.

 In retrospect,I have always tried everything in this way.In other words, I always  declare what I’m sure to accomplish whenever I’m about to try to tackle something hard and I drive myself into a wall by myself, though seemed strange.This is how I cannot help but do my best because I come to be afraid of being disparaged when I slack up my efforts and fail.This has given me great powers.I think this way can be applied to you all who are studying to be accepted by the first-choice univ..

  By the way, I’d like to introduce my trip in the U.S. to get you interested in America, what’s more, in the world, for I believe pleasure always makes boring or difficult things easier, so you must be motivated to study harder and harder when you can see through near future beyond entrance exams with my introduction.(You know,  this introduction is not a core of what I want to tell you today, so you can skip over it.)

Okay, you guys!Ready?


These pictures show American soul food.(American love them too much, even elderly.)Hamburgers were too big for me to eat.I felt McDonald’s “A Bigburger”too small when I came back to Japan, trying the one at the Narita airport. (You must say“Didn’t you eat them enough there??)


This is the central town of San Francisco.Some of you might have seen this in the English text book before.I enjoyed shopping and went to “ Cheese Cake Factory”which is popular in America.When you visit America, you should check it out.You can have the most delicious cheese cakes, I guess.


This was taken in Las Vegas.You know, this district is famous for casinos.I witnessed some hummed a melody, others cried.(Of course, I tried them while being chased and warned by security guards with a gun because people under 20 years old are prohibited from enjoying them.The result is, in short, that I died after I won 50$.I really understood the proverb “Pride comes before a fall”?.)I’ll try it there again without minding the well-built men this August based on the right of playing them because I’ve just become 20 this June.I guess I failed then because of the existence?.If I should win, I would give you some.Hahaha!


These are one of the most famous places respectively in West America, the former is Grand Canyon, the latter is Golden Gate Bridge.Both were impressing!However, I was so surprised to find the Golden Gate Bridge not golden.Why?!?!How perplexing!I recommend the former particularly to those who are afraid of heights, for the altitude of it is at most about 2,000 meters.If you want to get the most out of it, you should go to “Sky-walk” there.This is a lane set up on the verge of the precipitous cliff whose floorboard is transparent to enable people to see the bottom of the valley.I also trembled with fear.


This shows the scene of my volunteering as one of the Lions members serving people in need.We were telling pairs of usable glasses from the whole glasses donated by lots people.Then these glasses would be sent to the poor.


I’m planning  to stay in the Philippines for the first time this August,

so I may tell you the story after coming back.


How was it?Did you imagine how America is?Did you imagine what you will be after becoming university students.

Although these are only a part of it, I’m so glad if you have a daydream beyond the exams.

After a year or two years, you can do everything,  including traveling abroad like me.

I assure that you must gain insight and change yourself by putting yourself in different countries.

In addition,

between you and me, again, between you and me, I got a new girlfriend who was the colleague of Lions club in America, though she is an ex-girlfriend ?.

Now, I only sometimes talk to her on Skype.


Then, here is my message of today.

Do your best on study now to enjoy a year or two years later.

when you are sick and tired of study, you should imagine your happiest near  future after succeeding in exams for a change?.

Thanks for reading all.

I’m planning to introduce concretely how I studied English for the entrance exams in August, so look forward to it!!


See you again?

Oops, I totally forgot an important thing.Finally,I’d like to appreciate you all for letting me know how you enjoyed my weblog. I always became glad!!However, I’d like you to make comments in English after reading all, for I want you to break down walls of the use of English and to use it on a daily basis.If you do so,I will probably be happier.On top of this, I believe that this must improve your English skills not only for getting high marks on the English tests but for the near future lives.


the Index of my past weblogs.

If you have not read these, you can check them out here.

English is not special

Trial-And-Error ~Little by little ~



Who is in charge tomorrow……….?

Mr. Yoshiki Kanamori is!!

He is one of the most reliable staffs whom I respect in Tsudanuma.

 I heard he is a great soccer player.

(I don’t know whether it is true or not?.)

He is a sophomore in 東京理科大学.

He is cool.

He is smart.

I wish I were able to introduce him more but I’ll stop it because I want you to find other special points about him, though I want to say more.I cannot wait for his weblog tomorrow…

Don’t miss it!!





























