2019年 8月 5日 【天気の子】
It’s kind of sudden, I was moved by the movie titled “☀️Weathering with you☔️“.I bursted into a flood of tears for the first time since I read the novel titled “君の膵臓を食べたい” .Although I don’t speak about the movie any more, this movie was the most wonderful movie I’ve seen before for the beauty of the description and the impact of the theme song offered by RADWIMPS. I’m going to see it at least another three times during this summer vacation.You also had better see it defenitely with your friends, of course with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Don’t miss it?.
I’m so happy now!
Do you know why so?
The All term-end exams were just over!!!! This is why I’m so excited to have a view of this coming summer vacation.As to the exams, no time is there like the present to think of friends important.I realized friends are the dearest thing, for I went into this exams after preparing for them with my friends.We taught each other what we couldn’t understand or shared solutions or clues given by our seniors.Had it not been for friends, I would clearly have failed them, above all Constitutions, Criminal Laws and Civil Laws?though whether I can pass the exams or not has never been determined yet.(This will be conveyed to me at least in September.)This is how I felt relieved and excited!I’m planning to go to a firework display,Tokyo Disney land and so on….
As the first step, I’m now in a special place.Do you know where I am writing this weblog now?
?In the Philippines?
I’ve been here from August 1st and I’ll stay for around 2weeks to see my friends whom I met in America last summer for the first time and to enjoy the culture or food!!However, unexpected circumstances had happenned when I arrived here.Here is a big flood now because of a long and heavy rain.
Damn !
Oh My God!!!!
Please give me back my excited feelings!!I’m sorry for not showing you any pictures because I have visited nowhere until now.Please wait a while until I come back to Japan?.
I’m sorry for getting off track?.
What I’d like to tell you all today is this.
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.“
This is the phrase of Ludwig Wittgenstein, a philosopher.
I guess this means learning English or some other languages lets us broaden our horizons.It was not until I went to America and have a relationship with the local people that I really realized that meaning.Communicating with those who have different background, culture, religion and mother tongue give us another idea which we cannot hit upon in our own country.For example, I was surprised to see that my friends suddenly held each other’s hands with their eyes closed before dinner and they thanked to the God.In particular, for Japanese people, with no religious faith, it’s possibly difficult to accept such a difference, but that is all the more important for it.As I said before, it’s getting hard or impossible for even Japanese people to live by themselves without relation to foreigners.Considering your minds, you want to say “I already understand the importance of learning foreign languages, but I don’t know what to do.You have got to give me the clue for it responsibly!”Yes,I know it’s okay.I can tell you the best way to learn English effectively.
First of all, you must learn words by rote up to the level you can hit upon lots of meanings of a word and the synonym.I recommend an app “インターバル“
(you should retrieve the name on App Store).
Generally speaking, I think concentration makes different to study, so I want you to learn words by heart with being pressed for time like the exams.You set the timer for about 30seconds (the more you are getting used to it, the shorter you should set the timer to build a sense of tension.),you pronounce words in English and then read aloud the meanings in Japanese in the time you set up.This way is what I came up with when I was a high school student, but I suppose this is the best way to learn something by heart in short time.
Try it!!
I’ll tell you the way to improving reading skills next month.
Look forward to it?
To the
English Camp
First of all, I’m envious of you!!I would definitely participate in the EC if my schedule to visit the Philippines hadn’t conflicted it??.You’re the happiest students in Japan because you can communicate with foreign students who belong to world-famous universities. In addition, you can study English as if you were studying abroad at a low price, though, in other hands, it cost me around 15hundred thousand Yen to stay here in the Philippines for 2weeks, including airfare and tuition fees.I hope you try to take actions positively and make full use of such a wonderful and precious opportunity to get a step ahead toward International Community as well as to improve your English skills!!
I can assure you must grow up after this project, so go for it and enjoy it!!!
Please tell me the story by all means after I come back to Japan,
of course in English?.
Good luck???.