【お基礎をお大事に】 | 東進ハイスクール 津田沼校 大学受験の予備校・塾|千葉県

東進ハイスクール 津田沼校 » ブログ » 【お基礎をお大事に】


2020年 2月 12日 【お基礎をお大事に】

Hello you guys!

Did you already check out Mr.Shibayama’s weblog? I consented to almost all what he said on it except for just a piece of it.Although I don’t know what made him so confused, as far as I know, it’s not fact that I was struggled to put on my school uniform because of fat, or muffin top.In fact, I did always healthy eating and it kept my body healthy and slender.I wonder he is mistaking me for someone else….I’ll confirm with him about it!!

Today, I’ll tell you one voice message quoted from an admiral.

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task the day.It will give you a small sense of pride, and will encourage you to do another task and another and another.And by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many task completed.Making your bed will also reinforce the fact, the little things in life matter.If you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right.And if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made- that you made and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.

Some may figure out what I wanna say, “Just small efforts can lead us to an incredible results.” Invoking this to studies, without fundamental knowledge, however many advanced questions you practice, you must not solve your entrance exams which you’ve never seen before.It means you have to fail to enter your first-choice..This is what most people may already know, how many students do put into a concrete action??I think it’s important to do in a short period of time and do deeply to get something essential when you learn basic.Completing the essential foundation in a short term is as important as doing deeply for the success in entrance exams, for the time left for them is limited, at most 2 years.Although there are any ways to input the basic one, I wanna recommend 高速基礎マスター講座. As for me, I finished all I need during the spring vacation. Thanks to it, I spent much time which I would spare to learn foundations to other things such as reviewing my weakest subject; Japanese history and Geography.As I said, indeed, there may be lots of means to learn standards, just try 高速基礎マスター講座 before words!!If you feel you have got to do something more after it, you should try another one!!


Who is in charge tomorrow??

Mr.Kai Kinoshita


To say it without worrying about being misunderstood,

Here is no one else who loves the students, the jobs as much as  he does.

(The rest staffs including me are loving them of course!!But he is …)

I always respect the attitude toward his work.


Look forward to his weblog tomorrow!!
















